Quick Start 2Keysight 34970A/34972A Service Guide 33To Prepare the Instrument for Use1 Check the list of supplied items.Verify that you have received the following items with your instrument. Ifanything is missing, contact your nearest Keysight Technologies Sales Office.– One power cord.– One User’s Guide.– This Service Guide.– One Quick Reference Guide.– Certificate of Calibration (if you ordered the internal DMM).– BenchLink Data Logger 3 Software CD-ROM.– Quick Start Package (if you ordered the internal DMM):– One RS-232 cable.– One J-type thermocouple and a flatblade screwdriver.– Any plug-in modules that you ordered are delivered in a separate shippingcontainer.2 Verify that the fuse on the back is set to the proper voltage range for yourAC power.3 Connect the power cord and turn on the instrument.The front-panel display will light up briefly while the instrument performs itspower-on self-test. The instrument initially powers up with all measurementchannels turned off. To review the power-on display with all annunciatorsturned on, hold down as you turn on the instrument. If the instrumentdoes not turn on properly, see page 41.4 Perform a complete sel f-test.The complete self-test performs a more extensive set of tests than thoseperformed at power-on. Hold down as you turn on the instrument andhold down the key until you hear a long beep. The self-test will begin whenyou release the key following the beep.