MEASure[:PRIMary]:RESistance?SyntaxMEASure[:PRIMary]:RESistance? [{<range>|AUTO|MIN|MAX|DEF} [,{<resolution>|MIN|MAX|DEF}]]DescriptionFirst, this command resets all resistance measurement parameters and trigger parameters to their defaultvalues. Then, it configures the instrument for 2-wire resistance measurements and immediately triggers ameasurement. The reading is sent directly to the instrument output buffer.ParametersName Type Range of Values Default Value<range> Numeric Desired range in ohms:— 100 Ω (MIN)— 1 kΩ (DEF)— 10 kΩ— 100 kΩ— 1 MΩ— 10 MΩ— 100 MΩ— Auto range (AUTO)Auto range (AUTO)<resolution> Numeric — 3.00E-5— 2.00E-5— 1.50E-61.50E-6 (5½ digits)Remarks— You can allow the instrument to automatically select the measurement range using auto ranging oryou can select a fixed range using manual ranging. Auto ranging is convenient because the instrumentdecides which range to use for each measurement based on the input signal. For faster measurements,use manual ranging on each measurement (some additional time is required for auto ranging since theinstrument has to make a range selection).— If you select auto ranging (by specifying "AUTO" or "DEF"), an error will be generated if you specify adiscrete value for the parameter. When auto ranging is combined with a discreteresolution, the instrument cannot accurately resolve the integration time (especially if the input signalis continuously changing). If your application requires auto ranging, be sure to specify "DEF" for theKeysight 34450A Programmer's Reference 1452 SCPI Programming