37Developing and Deploying VISA ProjectsRequirements for Deploying a VISA ProjectRequirements for Deploying a VISA ProjectThe only VISA-specific system requirements for deploying your compiled programs on other machines are:• A valid visa32.DLL must be in the system's PATH environment variable.• The resource address you are trying to open must exist on the system and be configured for the visa32.DLL that isfound first during the Windows DLL search.Additionally, you must satisfy the normal .NET requirements, such as having an appropriate version of the .NET frameworkinstalled on the deployed systems. Obviously, any other software libraries your program uses at runtime must also beinstalled.Multiple VISA DLL VersionsBecause each VISA vendor installs its version of the VISA DLL, the VISA DLL on your deployed system may differ from theone with which you developed your application. When multiple vendors' VISA implementations are present, the DLL usedis the one that is found first using Microsoft Windows' DLL search rules.If you developed your program using Keysight VISA, and you wish to ensure that your program uses Keysight VISA even ifother VISA implementations are on your deployed systems, you can change the DLL name in all of the methoddeclarations in visa32.cs or visa32.vb from "visa32.DLL" to "agvisa32.DLL". This will prevent your program fromworking with any other vendor’s VISA implementation, and will ensure that, if multiple VISA DLLs are installed on thesystem, your program will use the Keysight DLL implementation.