34SCPI Programming FundamentalsTechniques for Improving Measurement PerformanceBy sending :CALC:DATA2:COMP? MEAN,25us,526us,579.6us,8 you can measure the mean power in those bursts.This single command measures the data across all 8 frames, locates the first slot/burst in each of the frames, calculatesthe mean power of those bursts, then returns the resulting 8 values. The sequence of commands is as follows:More Hints & TipsFor more information about optimizing measurement speed using X-Series instruments, see Keysight Application Note1583.Step Command Action1 :CONF:WAV Switch to Waveform measurement2 :WAV:BAND 300khz Set resolution bandwidth to 300 kHz3 :WAV:SWE:TIME 5ms Set sweep time to 5 milliseconds4 :WAV:BAND:TYPE FLAT Select flat filter type5 :WAV:DEC 4;DEC:STAT ON Select a decimation of 4, and turn on decimation.This reduces the amount of data that must be transferred.6 :INIT Initiate measurement and acquire data7 :CALC:DATA2:COMP?MEAN,25us,526us,579.6us,8Retrieve the desired data