12Introduction to Programming X-Series ApplicationsVISA Driver OptionsWith IVI drivers you do not need to have in-depth test instrument knowledge to develop sophisticated measurementsoftware.Keysight supports IVI Drivers for the following architectures:• IVI-COM Drivers are based on the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) technology, offering the seamlessintegration in all environments that is generally associated with COM.• IVI-C Drivers are based on C-language shared libraries, and are intended to cater to National InstrumentsLabWindows/CVI.IVI driver download packages for X-Series instruments can be found at the URL:http://www.keysight.com/find/sa-iviNote that the Keysight I/O Libraries Suite must be installed and the hardware interface must be configured, beforeinstalling the IVI Drivers.IVI Shared Components are required by all IVI-COM and IVI-C drivers. IVI Shared Components are automatically installedwhen you install the Keysight IO Libraries Suite.VISA Driver OptionsKeysight I/O Libraries Suite is a collection of libraries, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and utility programs. TheI/O libraries (SICL, VISA, and VISA COM) enable instrument communication for a variety of development environments(Keysight VEE Pro, Microsoft Visual Studio, etc.) that are compatible with GPIB, USB, LAN, RS-232, PXI, AXIe, and VXI testinstruments from a variety of manufacturers.The suite’s utility programs help you quickly and easily connect instruments to a computer.The Keysight IO Libraries Suite includes the following libraries:Item Library Name Documentation Location & Notes1 Keysight Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA)1 The VISA API is a programming interface originally developed andstandardized by the VXIplug&play Alliance (now the IVI Foundation) as anindustry-wide standard for communicating with instruments over varioushard ware interfaces. The definition includes the standard visa.h headerfile for use with C and C++, which provides declarations for thevisa32.dll library.Additionally, Keysight has developed the header files visa32.cs andvisa32.bas, to permit the VISA DLL to be used with C#.NET and VisualBasic.NET respectively.For more information, see the VISA Documentation Help in the Keysight I/OLibraries Suite.2 VISA for the Common Object Model (VISA COM) 1 The VISA COM I/O API is a programming interface standardized by the IVIFoundation for communicating with instruments over various hard wareinterfaces.Keysight Technologies offers an implementation of the VISA COM I/Ostandard that is compatible with Keysight hard ware as well as computerstandard I/O interfaces. VISA COM I/O is an update of the older VISA C APIto work in and with Microsoft’s COM technology.For more information, see the VISA COM Help in the Keysight I/O LibrariesSuite.