17SCPI Programming FundamentalsSCPI Language BasicsCreating Valid CommandsCommands are not case-sensitive, and there are often many different ways of writing a particular command. These areexamples of valid commands for a given command syntax:Special Characters in CommandsCommand Syntax Sample Valid Commands:[SENSe:]BANDwidth[:RESolution] The following sample commands are all identical. They all cause the sameresult.• :Sense:Band:Res 1700• :BANDWIDTH:RESOLUTION 1.7e3• :sens:band 1.7KHZ• :SENS:band 1.7E3Hz• :band 1.7kHz• :bandwidth:RES 1.7e3Hz:MEASure:SPECtrum[n]? • :MEAS:SPEC?• :Meas:spec?• :meas:spec3?The number 3 in the last meas example causes it to return different resultsthan the commands above it. See the command description for moreinformation.[:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion]NEGative|POSitive|SAMPle• :DET:FUNC neg• :Detector:Func Pos:INITiate:CONTinuous ON|OFF|1|0 The sample commands below are identical.• :INIT:CONT ON• :init:continuous 1Special Character Meaning Example| A vertical stroke between parameters indicatesalternative choices. The effect of the command isdifferent depending on which parameter is selected.Command: TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal|INTernal|LINEThe choices are external, internal, and line.Ex: TRIG:SOURCE INTis one possible command choice.| A vertical stroke between keywords indicatesidentical effects exist for both keywords. Thecommand functions the same for either keyword. Onlyone of these keywords is used at a time.Command: SENSe:BANDwidth|BWIDth:OFFSetTwo identical commands are:Ex1: SENSE:BWIDTH:OFFSETEx2: SENSE:BAND:OFFSET[ ] keywords in square brackets are optional whencomposing the command. These implied keywords willbe executed even if they are omitted.Command: [SENSe:]BANDwidth[:RESolution]:AUTOThe following commands are all valid and have identical effects:Ex1: bandwidth:autoEx2: band:resolution:autoEx3: sense:bandwidth:auto