22 Setting Oven ControlsSetting broilRecommended broiling timesUse the broiling table -Fig. 3- for approximaterecommended broiling times for the types of meatslisted. Increase or decrease broiling times, or movethe broiling pan to a different rack position to suitfor doneness.If the food you are broiling is not listed in the table,follow the instructions provided in your recipe andwatch the item closely.Broiling TableFood Rack position Temp Cook time in minutes1st side 2nd side DonenessSteak 1” thick 5th or 6th* 550°F 6 4 MediumSteak 1” thick 5th or 6th* 550°F 7 5 Medium-wellSteak 1” thick 5th or 6th* 550°F 8 7 WellPork chops 3/4” thick 5th 550°F 8 6 WellChicken-bone in 4th 450°F 20 10 WellChicken-boneless 5th 450°F 8 6 WellFish 5th 500°F 13 n/a WellShrimp 4th 550°F 5 n/a WellHamburger 1” thick 6th* 550°F 9 7 MediumHamburger 1” thick 5th 550°F 10 8 WellThe broil pan insert (if equipped) contains slots thatallows grease from the meat to drain into the broilpan. Place prepared meat on broil pan insert andthen place onto broiler pan as shown -Fig. 1.Fig. 3Fig. 1 Fig. 2*Use the off-set rack when using oven rack position 6.65InsertBroil pan4