Page Safety: DOC0535 (10 July 2019, 16:56)Back to Table of Contents3. SafetyThe term “WARNING” is used to inform you about situations that could result in personalinjury to yourself or other persons. The term “CAUTION” is used to inform you about situationsthat could result in damage to the spectrometer or other equipment.Failure to follow the requirements shown in this section may lead to the safety of theequipment being compromised.3.1 General safetyWARNING The spectrometer weighs ~18 kg; take care when handling itto avoid injury.CAUTION Do not operate outside the specified range of environmentalor analyte conditions specified on the product label.CAUTION The probe is NOT a carry handle; it will be damaged if used tosupport the instrument.CAUTION Do not open the spectrometer.3.2 Lifting instructionsThe instrument can be carefully lifted by the lip around the top face or with hands underneathits base. Do not use the probe as a carry handle. It will be damaged if used to support theinstrument. It is the responsibility of the user to suitably risk assess the handling of theinstrument and provide suitable equipment if necessary.