14 VI User Manual Groove Pedelec6.3 Riding your Pedelec efficientlyYou can monitor and influence the cost of your journeyswith the Pedelec yourself. You can reduce your consump-tion and therefore costs by following the tips for achievinga long range.The operating costs for battery-operated power assist arecalculated as follows:• A new battery costs roughly 359 euros.• You can cover 45 km on average with one batterycharge.• You can charge the battery roughly 1,100 times.• 1,100 charging cycles x 45 km = 49,500 km• 359 euros: 49,500 km = 0.7 euro cents / km• You use roughly 0.47 kWh to fully charge the bat-tery. Assuming a unit price of 20 euro cents / kWh,it costs you 9.4 euro cents to fully charge the bat-tery.• It costs you 0.2 euro cents / km to cover the aver-age range of 45 km.• This means that the maximum cost of consumptionand the battery is 0.9 euro cents/km.The sample calculation has been carried out based on Ger-man energy prices. The operating costs may therefore bedifferent in locations where other energy prices apply.7 BatteryYour battery is a lithium cobalt battery, the ideal lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery type for this application. One of themain benefits of this type of battery is its low weightcombined with a high capacity. Li-Ion batteries only weighhalf as much as comparable nickel metal hydride or nick-el-cadmium batteries. This means you carry less batteryweight and more battery power.7.1 Straightforward charging› There is no memory effect. You can therefore fullyrecharge your battery after every trip.› Recharge the battery after every trip. This meansyou can set off immediately the next time you useyour bike and you also increase the service life ofthe battery.› If you are not using the battery, you only have torecharge it after 6 months.7.2 High degree of safety due to batterymanagement› The battery cannot be damaged as a result of ashort-circuit. If this were to happen, the batterymanagement would switch off the battery.› You can simply leave the battery standing in thecharger as the device has in-built overchargingprotection.7.3 Straightforward storage› If you do not need your battery for a while, store itat a temperature of +10°C when the battery chargeis between 50 and 75%.These benefits are available due to highly effective batterymanagement that has been adapted to this specific appli-cation and by tuning the battery for operation with a 250watt motor.