18 IV User Manual Pedelec with front motor8.1 Problems / solutions: Flash patternsand their meaningIf a problem occurs in the electrical system of your Pe-delec, you should initially try to solve it by referring to thefollowing list which describes possible causes of errorsand offers solutions. If the fault persists, consult yourspecialist cycle shop.ERROR CODE CAUSE SOLUTIONNo power assist. Thepower sensor could notset itself correctly.Perform restart. Thesystem performs thecalibration again. Noforce should be appliedto the pedals duringthis procedure whichtakes roughly two sec-onds.No power assist. Aproblem occurred inthe drive unit.Motor, sensor unit orcable defective. Con-tact your specialistcycle shop.The motor output isless.The motor is over-loaded.Allow the motor to cooldown and reduce theassistance.The motor switches off.The motor is extremelyoverloaded.Allow the motor to cooldown and reduce theassistance.No power assist.The battery is nearlyempty.Charge the battery im-mediately.8.1.1 Additional possible sources of errors› If you only pedal very gently, the power assist isnot enabled.› If the motor is not running and you cannot pinpointthe cause, check the buttons, cables and plugs ofthe electrical system..If you find a break or a crack, do not try to repair thefault yourself. Take your Pedelec to a specialist cycleshop.