Operating Instructions blueplanet 1502xi/2502xi Page .2 LED displaysThe inverter is equipped with three LEDs that give informationabout the various operating statuses as follows:123!okFigure 4.2: LED displaysLED (1) (green):The LED begins to light up when the minimum voltage from aphotovoltaic array is present and goes out again if the arrayvoltage is lower than the minimum operating voltage.The LED signals that the inverter is in stand-by mode if it is theonly illuminated LED. The inverter is ready for operation or iscurrently operating.LED (2) (green):The LED is lit when the inverter is feeding into the grid.LED () (red):The LED indicates that the grid-feed was stopped due to afault.Wait approx. 10 minutes to see if the fault is only temporaryin nature. If this is not the case, notify your authorized electri-cian.IMPORTANTIf there is a power failure on the public grid, LED (3) doesnot light up. If this happens, all LEDs and the display go out.The inverter is shut down completely.The inverter can only resume its normal operation when thepublic utility grid is available again.Check whether the fault in question relates to a general powerfailure or whether the circuit breaker between the utility serviceand the inverter has tripped. If the circuit breaker has tripped,notify your authorized technician. If there was a power failure,simply wait until the fault has been cleared. The system auto-matically re-starts.. Keys “1” and “2”Figure 4.3: blueplanet control keysKey “1” is used to switch between the various displays for mea-sured values and data. You use key “2” to configure settings.Here, menu navigation is divided into two levels. In level 1(display mode), measured values such as the solar generatorvoltage can be read. Here, only key “1” is activated. In level 2(configuration mode), key “1” is used to navigate through theindividual displays and settings.ACTIONBy pressing key “1” you can choose which measured valueis to be displayed.The menus are continuous, which means that when you arriveat the last entry in a menu, the first entry is displayed againthe next time key “1” is pressed (see Figure 4.4).Section · Operation