Page Operating Instructions blueplanet 1502xi/2502xiGeneral NotesBy purchasing an inverter from KACO new energy GmbH, youhave opted for a reliable, high-performance technology andwill profit from KACO new energy’s many years of experience inthe field of current inverter technology and power electronics.The blueplanet 1502xi and 2502xi inverters are galvanicallyisolated, fanless, robust, high-efficiency inverters.1 About ThisDocumentationThe following notes guide you through all of the documenta-tion. Additional documents are applicable in conjunction withthese operating and installation instructions.We assume no liability for any damage caused by failure toobserve these instructions.NOTICERead the manual!We assume no liability for any damage caused by failure toobserve these instructions.Other applicable documentsPlease read any additional operation instructions which mayhave been included with the inverter.1.1 Retention of documentsPlease pass these operating and installation instructions onto the installation operator. These documents must be storednear the installation and must be available at all times.1.21.2 Symbols used in this documentWhen operating the inverter, observe the safety instructionsprovided in these operating instructions.! DANGERDANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.! WARNINGWARNING indicates a hazardous situation which,if not avoided, could result in death or seriousinjury.! CAUTIONCAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which,if not avoided, could result in minor or moderateinjury.NOTICEFailure to observe a warning indicated in this manner maylead to damage to property.NOTEUseful information and notes.ACTIONThis symbol indicates that a certain action is required.IMPORTANTFailure to observe this information may result in reducedconvenience or impaired functionality.Electrical voltage!Risk of burns!Read the manual!1. Name plateThe name plate showing the exact designation of the unit islocated on the right side of the housing.2 Safety Instructions andRegulations! DANGERDanger due to lethal voltages.Lethal voltages are present within the unit andon the power supply lines. Therefore, only autho-rized electricians may install and open the unit.Even when the unit is disconnected, high contactvoltages may still be present within the unit.–––Section 1 · About This Documentation