Page 1 Operating Instructions blueplanet 1502xi/2502xiSection · Troubleshooting TroubleshootingIn line with our continuously expanding quality assurance system, we endeavor to eliminate all errors and faults. You have purchased aproduct which left our factory in proper condition. Each individual unit has successfully passed an endurance test as well as extensivetests for the purpose of assessing the operating behavior and the protective equipment.If your photovoltaic installation does not function properly despite these measures, we suggest the following troubleshooting proce-dures:The first step is to monitor the inverter closely and, where applicable, make a note of the displays and LEDs. The next step is to contactyour installer and explain the problem encountered.The following faults may occur and should be remedied as described.Error Cause of error Troubleshooting/ExplanationInverter displays animpossible daily peakvalue.Faults in the line voltage. The inverter continues to operate as normal without losses tothe yield, even when an erroneous daily peak value is displayed.The value is reset overnight. To immediately reset the value, theinverter must be switched off and switched on again by usingthe DC/AC switch in the connection box.Daily energy yields donot correspond withthe yields on the energysupply company’s grid-feed counter.Tolerances of the mea-suring elements in theinverter.The measuring sensors of the inverter have been selected toensure maximum solar yields.Due to these tolerances,the daily yields displayed on the inverter may deviate from thevalues on your supply grid operator’s grid-feed counter byup to 15% , especially if operating at very low power forextended periods of time.The display is blank andthe LEDs are not lightingup.The unit is in nightshutdown mode.There is no AC linevoltage.The solar generatorvoltage is too low.DC/AC switch is OFF (0).––––The inverter switches to night shutdown mode as soon as thesolar generator voltage is below the minimum grid-feed volt-age for a longer period of time. In this case, the display willalso switch off. In order to still be able to view the currentlymeasured values, you can switch on the inverter via the nightstart-up key.A grid failure will also cause the display to go blank and the grid-feed to stop. Wait until the public utility grid is available again.Also check to see if the DC/AC switch is OFF (0) and if so, switchit to ON (1).If the display does not light up during normal daytime hours,please contact your solar installer.The inverter is active butdoes not feed into thegrid.Insufficient generatorvoltage available.The line voltage or thesolar generator voltageis not stable.––After sunrise, at sunset and when there is not enough solarinsolation due to bad weather conditions or due to the solarmodules being covered with snow, the generator voltage orthe generator power that comes from the roof may be too lowto be able to feed in.Before the grid-feed process begins, the inverter has to checkthe line parameters for a certain period of time. The length ofthe switch-on time differs by country according to applicablestandards and regulations and can take several minutes.The inverter is active butdoes not feed into thegrid. The insolation issufficient.The inverter has inter-rupted the grid-feed dueto a fault.After an interruption of the grid-feed due to a fault (line failure,overtemperature, overload, etc.), the inverter checks the lineparameters for certain period of time. The length of time it takesto switch back on again differs by country according to appli-cable standards and regulations and can take several minutes.With faulty grids, interruptions can occur during the day. Notifyyour solar installer if the inverter shuts down regularly over aperiod of several weeks (more than 10 times per day).For an explanation of the individual display error texts, pleasesee the fault signals.