Page 12 Operating Instructions blueplanet 1502xi/2502xiSection · OperationStatus Display Explanation10 Temperature too high inside The temperature in the unit has become too high (> 176°F). When the internaltemperature reaches 158°F, the inverter limits the power. An internal temperatureof 176°F is only reached if convection cooling is impeded by external factors, e.g. bycovering or something blocking the airflow through the cooling fins.29 Error GFDICheck Fuse!A ground fault was detected on the DC side. Notify your authorized electrician sothat the solar generator can be checked.30 ErrorMeasurementThe current and voltage measurements in the inverter are not plausible. This can becaused by very dynamic weather conditions if there are quick changes between lowgrid-feed power (e.g. 200 W) and high grid-feed power (e.g. the maximum grid-feedpower).32 ErrorSelftest The internal grid separation relay test has failed. If this internal error occurs several times,notify your authorized electrician.33 ErrorDC-gridfeedingThe DC feed into the grid has exceeded the permitted limit value. This can be caused bythe grid in which case no inverter fault exists. If this error occurs several times, notify yourauthorized electrician.34 Error Communication A communication error has occurred in the internal data transmission. If this error occurs severaltimes, notify the service department.35 ProtectionshutdownProtection shutdown of the software (AC overvoltage, AC overcurrent, DC link overvolt-age). This is not an error, but instead a grid-related shutdown.36 Protectionshutdown HWProtection shutdown of the hardware (AC overvoltage, AC overcurrent, DC link overvolt-age). This is not an error, but instead a grid-related shutdown.38 FailurePV-OvervoltageThe voltage of the PV generator is too high. The solar generator is incorrectlydimensioned. Shutdown your PV generator and notify your authorized electrician.Continued operation can cause damage to the inverter and will void the manufactur-ers warranty.41 Line failureUndervoltageThe voltage of the grid-feed phase is too low. The grid cannot be fed into. This errorcan be grid-related.42 Line failureOvervoltageThe voltage of the grid-feed phase is too high. The grid cannot be fed into. This errorcan be grid-related.48 Line failureUnderfrequencyThe line frequency is too low. This error can be grid-related.49 Line failureOverfrequencyThe line frequency is too high. This error can be grid-related.55 FailureDC LinkAn error occurred during charging of the DC link. Notify your authorized electri-cian.56 FailurealgorithmAn internal error occurred during the calculation algorithm. Try to restart or notify yourauthorized electrician.58 Overtemperaturecontrolling unitThe temperature is too high. To avoid damage, the grid-feed was stopped. Provide forsufficient ventilation.Table 4.2: Fault signalsfault LED (3) goes out, the fault signal relay drops out again, and the display signals that it is ready to feed into the grid once again. Oncethe fault is gone, the blueplanet inverter feeds in again.Many of these fault signals point to a fault in the grid, and are, therefore, not an operational fault on the part of the blueplanet inverter.The minimum triggering levels are determined by applicable standards (e.g. VDE0126-1-1 or UL 1741), and the inverter must switch offif the permitted values are exceeded.