Page 6similar structure, all burners and burner ignitiondevices must have a minimum 18" (457mm) clearanceabove the floor.This heater must be installed at least 5 feet(1.52m) from the inside wall of a pool unless theheater is separated from the pool by a solid fence, wallor other permanent solid barrier.Ce chauffe-piscine doit être installé á au moins 5pieds (1.52m) de la paroi interne de la piscine à moinsd'être isolé de la piscine par une clôture, un mur ouautre barrière permanente.2.3.3 FlooringThe heater must be installed on a level surfaceof noncombustible construction or on fire-resistantslabs or arches. Noncombustible flooring is defined asflooring material and surface finish not capable ofbeing ignited and burning and with no combustiblematerials against the underside. Acceptable materialsare those consisting entirely of a combination of steel,iron, brick, tile, concrete, slate, glass or plaster. Do notinstall the heater directly on a combustible wood orcarpet floor without placing a noncombustible platformbetween the floor and the heater.The heater can be installed on a combustiblefloor if a noncombustible base assembly, availablefrom Jandy, is used. See the heater rating plate or theParts List (Section 11) of this manual for the appropri-ate base part number. Heaters must never beinstalled directly on carpeting.As an alternative to the Jandy noncombustiblebase plate, in the United States, the National Fuel GasCode (NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1), and in Canada, theNatural Gas and Propane Installation Code (CAN/CSA-B149.1), allow a heater to be placed on acombustible surface when there is a platform underthe heater made of hollow masonry no less than 4inches (102 millimeters [mm]) thick, covered withsheet metal at least 24 gauge thick and extendingbeyond the full width and depth of the heater by atleast 6 inches (153 mm) in all directions. The masonrymust be laid with ends unsealed, and joints matched toprovide free circulation of air from side to side throughthe masonry (see Figure 2). If the heater is installed ina carpeted alcove, the entire floor of the alcove mustbe covered by a noncombustible panel.2.3.4 Outdoor InstallationThe LX or LT Low NOx heaters can be installedin the outdoor configuration as received from thefactory.Locate the heater in an open, unroofed area. Donot install the heater under a deck. Do not locate theheater below or adjacent to any doors, glass openings,louvers, grills, etc., which connect in any way with aninhabited area of a building, even though the accessmight be through another structure (e.g., a garage orTable 2. Minimum Heater Clearances From Combustible SurfacesTable 2. Dégagements Minimaux à Assurer Entre les Parois de L'appareil et les Constructions CombustiblesNote: Clearances listed in Table 2 aremanufacturer's tested values. These aregiven as minimum values. Where localand national codes apply, and values aredifferent than those listed in Table 2,use the greater value to ensure safeoperation.SIDE OF INDOOR (OUTDOOR SHELTER) OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONHEATER INSTALLATIONINCHES CENTIMETERS INCHES CENTIMETERSBLANK 4 10.2 4 10.2REAR 4 10.2 4 10.2PIPING 12 30.5 12 30.5TOP 39 99.0 OPEN UNROOFED AREAFRONT 18* 45.7 18* 45.7 * In Canada - 24 in (61cm)Figure 2. Non-Combustible PlatformNotes:1. Blocks must provide a solid base and be braced so theycannot slip out of place.2. Air openings in blocks must be arranged to provideunrestricted opening through entire width or length ofbase.3. Sheet metal must be at least 24 ga. and extend 6"beyond the heater jacket on all sides.