Page 325. If the heater is equipped with a pressure reliefvalve, check for corrosion in and around thevalve. Twice a year, with the filter pump on, liftthe release lever on the top of the valve to makesure that water runs freely through it. If corro-sion is found, replace the pressure relief valve.When replacing the valve, be sure that the pumpis off. Install the valve so that the discharge isdirected away from any area that may bedamaged by water.6. Be sure all combustion air and ventilation open-ings are not blocked. Check for spider webs andother debris inside the heater, in the vents on allsides of the heater jacket and in the exhaustoutlet– especially after a long period of nonuse.8.3.2 Professional InspectionInspections performed at least once a year by aqualified technician are required to maintain yourheater's safe and efficient operation. The followingbasic safety checks must be performed.1. Check for loose or broken wires and terminalconnections.2. Make sure that the pressure switch operatesproperly by shutting the filter pump off and on afew times. The burner should go off immediatelyafter the pump stops. An ignition sequenceshould start shortly after the pump is turned backon.3. Inspect the electrical controls, specifically thefollowing:a. High limit controls.b. Water pressure switch.c. Exhaust temperature limit switch.d. Automatic gas valve.e. Fusible link.f. Temperature control.g. Control circuit fuse.h. Ignition control.i. Air pressure switch.4. Inspect the venting system for blockage, leakage,and corrosion.5. Inspect the combustion blower for damage.6. Check for spider webs or other obstructions inthe main burner orifices – especially at Springstart-up. Clean with wire brush if necessary.7. Conduct a normal operating cycle and observethat the sequence proceeds as intended.CAUTIONFor your safety, when starting the heater, keepyour head and face away from the burner areaopening to prevent any risk of personal injury.ATTENTIONPour votre sécurité personnelle, lorsque vousmettez l’appareil en marche, tenez votre tête etvotre visage loin du brûleur pour éviter toutrisque de blessure.8. If the heater is equipped with a pressure reliefvalve, clean any accumulated corrosion andmake sure that water runs freely.9. Inspect the outside of the combustion chamberand burner for corrosion and indication ofimproper operation.10. Perform a temperature rise test in accordancewith Section 7.6.11. Regularly inspect electrical controls for deteriora-tion. Repair and replace as necessary.12. Make a visual check of the main burner flame.The flame can be seen in a view port on the frontpanel of the combustion chamber. When theblower is on low speed, the flame should be lightblue in color and short (see Figure 32). Whenthe blower is at full (high) speed, the flame willspread out over the burners in a "flying" modeand will remain light blue in color (see Figure 33).If flame appearance is otherwise, adjustment isnecessary as described in the following section.NOTE: After installation and first start-up,check the heat exchanger for black carbon sootbuildup after the following periods of operation:24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days and onceevery 6 months thereafter.NOTE: Keep this manual in a safe place forfuture reference by you and your professionaltechnician when inspecting and servicing theheater.SECTION 9.Troubleshooting9.1 General Heater TroubleshootingTable 10 lists some of the more common prob-lems, causes and solutions encountered when runningthe heater. Most problems occur when the heater isbeing started for the first time after installation or atSpring start-up. Careful installation and maintenancewill help ensure years of trouble free use from yourLX or LT Low NOx heater.Be aware that premix combustion systems of thetype found in the LX and LT heaters have specialcharacteristics that affect operation and troubleshoot-ing. See Sections 10.2 and 10.3 for important informa-tion about the system.