LX and LT Low NOx Pool/Spa Heater Page 11correct part number of the manifold kit needed.When changing the altitude range of the heater,be sure to fill out the altitude conversion label,included in the kit. Apply the label on the innerpanel of the heater, next to the original ratingplate.CAUTIONPermanent damage to the gas valve will occurif the following procedures are not followed.ATTENTIONVous endommagerez la soupape de gaz sivous ne respectez pas les procéduressuivantes.3. Use the figures in Table 5 to size the gas inletpiping from the gas meter to the heater. Checkall local codes for compliance before installingthe heater.3.3.3 Inspection and Replacement ofExisting Vent System with NewComponentsIf the LX/LT is being installed to replace anexisting pool heater, it is recommended that a newappropriate venting system be installed with the newheater. However, if an existing venting system must beused, be sure to carefully inspect the venting system toensure that it is in good condition and continues to beappropriate for the LX/LT heater. Replace any partsthat are not in good and serviceable condition with newparts before completing the pool heater installation.SECTION 4.Gas Connections4.1 Gas Supply and PipingReview the following general instructions beforecontinuing the installation.WARNINGThe LX and LT Low-NOx pool and spa heatersare designed for use with either natural gas orLP gas. Check the rating plate on the innerpanel to be sure that the heater is designed touse the type of gas being supplied. DO NOTATTEMPT TO CONVERT THIS HEATERFOR USE WITH ANY OTHER TYPE OFFUEL.AVERTISSEMENTLes appareils de chauffage à faibles émissionsNOx LX et LT pour piscines et cuves thermalessont conçus pour être utilisés avec du gaznaturel ou du gaz de pétrole liquéfié (GPL).Vérifiez l’information inscrite sur la plaquesignalétique du panneau intérieur pour vousassurer que l’appareil est conçu pour le type degaz fourni. NE PAS ESSAYER DECONVERTIR CET APPAREIL À UN AUTRETYPE DE GAZ.1. Gas piping installation must be in accordancewith the latest edition of ANSI Z223.1 and alllocal codes. In Canada, the installation must be inaccordance with CAN/CSA B149.1 and all localcodes that apply.2. Check the gas supply to be sure that it is thesame as the gas indicated on the heater's ratingplate. LX and LT Low NOx heaters, as shippedfrom the factory, are certified to operate withinthe altitude range indicated on the rating plate. Ifa field conversion to a different altitude rangeshould be necessary, manifold kits are availablefor changing the altitude range of the heater. SeeTable 1 on page 4 of this manual to determine thecorrect altitude designation for your heater.Refer to Section 11 "Parts List" to order theTable 5. Supply Gas Pipe Size Requirements*Distance from Gas Meter0-50 feet 50-100 feet 100-200 feetHeater (0-15 m) (15-30 m) (30-60 m)Size in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm)250 1 (25) 1-1/4 (32) 1-1/4 (32)400 1-1/4 (32) 1-1/2 (38) 1-1/2 (38)Notes:1. These numbers are for natural gas (0.65 Sp. Gr.) and arebased on 1/2 inch (3.45 kPa) water column pressuredrop. Check supply pressure with a manometer, andlocal code requirements for variations. For LP gas,reduce pipe diameter by one size, but maintain aminimum 3/4 " diameter.2. Check supply pressure and local code requirementsbefore proceeding with work.3. Pipe fittings must be considered when determining gaspipe sizing.*Figure 9. Proper Design for a Sediment Trap/Drip LegAPPROVED4. Install a sediment trap (drip leg) ahead of the gascontrols (see Figure 9). Fit the trap with athreaded cap which can be removed for cleaning.