Page 36SECTION 10.Professional Maintenance andServiceWARNINGSERVICING SAFETYSome of the servicing procedures for the LXand LT Low NOx heaters are hazardousbecause they involve fuel gas, electricity,moving parts and procedures which requiretesting or temporary bypass of safety controls.For this reason, the heater must be servicedonly by a qualified professional servicetechnician.IMPROPER SERVICE HAZARDThe LX and LT Low NOx heaters incorporateunique design features. Incorrect service ofthis heater can result in personal injury ordamage to property. To avoid such hazards,the heater must be serviced only by a qualifiedprofessional service technician.AVERTISSEMENTPRÉCAUTIONS LORS DES RÉPARATIONSET DE L’ENTRETIENCertaines procédures d’entretien et deréparation des appareils de chauffage à faiblesémissions NOx LX et LT présentent desdangers, car elles mettent en jeu des gazcombustibles, des composants électriques,des pièces mobiles et des procédures quinécessitent des mises à l’essai ou la dérivationtemporaire des commandes de sécurité. Pourcette raison, l’appareil de chauffage doit êtreentretenu et réparé uniquement par untechnicien professionnel qualifié.DANGERS D’UN ENTRETIEN INADÉQUATLes appareils de chauffage à faibles émissionsNOx comportent des caractéristiquestechniques uniques. Une réparation ou unentretien inadéquat peut entraîner desblessures corporelles ou des dommages à lapropriété. Pour cette raison, l’appareil dechauffage doit être entretenu et réparéuniquement par un technicien professionnelqualifié.10.1 General InformationA qualified professional technician must servicethe LX and LT Low NOx pool heaters using Jandy'sservice procedures. Before calling for service, how-ever, the owner should check for obvious problems.The other components in the pool system, includingpump, filters and strainers, water valves, gas supply,electrical power and time clocks, have an affect onheater operation.Confirm that the heater control is set to either'POOL' or 'SPA' and that the corresponding tempera-ture limit is set high enough to make the heateroperate. Make sure the pump is operating, that thefilter and all baskets are clean, that there are no mis-positioned water valves, that the gas or electric powersupplies are not shut off and that time clocks areproperly adjusted. Also be sure that there is noblockage of the exhaust vent grill or rear louvers,which supply combustion air to the burners.10.2 "Premix" Induced-Draft CombustionSystemThe LX and LT Low NOx pool and spa heatershave an induced-draft combustion system incorporat-ing special burners and a combustion blower. Theburners are of special design in which most of thecombustion air passes through the burners, resulting ina "premix" process. When burning natural gas thisprocess produces very low NOx emission. This systemis illustrated in Figure 36.Figure 36. Induced Draft Combustion System