46 ApplicationsThis system can perform particular actions such as recordingstart and camera direction change, triggered by reception ofparticular signals from cameras. A triggering input is calledan “event” and a behavior triggered by the event is called an“action.”With event and action settings, a certain action can beactivated when a certain event occurs by enabling the eventpreset in a connected device in settings of this unit andassociating it with the action.Types of Event and ActionTypes of event and action are indicated below. Event types Action typesEvents Configuration—Generic EventWhen character strings received by this unit match thepredetermined conditions, a generic event is triggered. Thefollowing is the procedure for setup on this unit includingcommunication data reception setting. For outgoing datasetting, settings of sender devices such as cameras arenecessary.1 Click [+] in [Advanced Configuration]2 Click [+] in [Events and Output]3 Double-click [Generic Events]Events and ActionsEvent DescriptionGeneric events(right column)Reception of particular characterstrings (TCP/UDP format)Input events(A Page 48)● Detection of camera motion● Input to cameras or input porton the rear panel of this unitManual events(A Page 50)Events to be generated manuallyby using buttons, etc.Timer events(A Page 51)Events to stop action after aspecified time from occurrence ofany of the above eventsAction DescriptionMovement to PTZcamera presetposition (A Page 52)The PTZ camera is moved to apreset position defined for eachevent.Image distribution(Matrix) (A Page 53)Images are distributed to definedrecipient(s).Record start(A Page 55)Recording is started.Output (A Page 56) Sends a signal to the alarmdevice, etc.