1376 Click [Close]Installation ends and a shortcut to the ASmart ClientB iscreated on the desktop.Caution:● If the .Net Framework 4.0 installation window is displayedduring installation and the computer is not connected tothe internet, it may not be possible to continue with theinstallation.Groups and ViewsSplit screen display of images from multiple cameras in theSmart Client is called “view.” Any number of views can becreated in accordance with camera locations and quantityand managed by groups (folders). Group and view structureThe following 2 groups are preset as root groups for groupsyou will create.● You can check the group and view structure from the[Views] section.Caution:● Select [Basic Authentication] for the authenticationmethod. Enter the user name and password of the basicuser. For details of the default registered basic user, seeAUsersB (A Page 110).● The [View group saving error] dialog may appear whenyou attempt to change views in the shared folder. In thiscase, click [OK] to close the error dialog and log out fromthe Smart Client (A Page 132). Then log in to the systemagain to try to change views again.Creating a ViewPrivate Views in this folder are only accessible tothe user who created them.Shared Views in this folder are accessible to allcomputer users who can access thesystem.