131Setting CopyThis feature copies the settings of event audio associated with anevent (audio file name, destination of transmitted audio file, numberof deliveries) to another event.1 Select the event to copy settings to (existingsettings are overwritten) from the [Audio playingfor] list on the [Event Audio Setting] screen2 Click [Setting copy]● The [Setting copy] screen appears.PasswordEnter the password to establish connection with the camera thatsupports bidirectional audio. Audio transmission to the camera thatsupports bidirectional audio will not be executed if the passwordentered is incorrect.Memo :● To enter the password, you need to ensure that communicationof the selected camera on the network is enabled.1 Select a camera from the [Audio playing for] liston the [Event Audio Setting] screenMemo :● To select a camera, click on the camera name to highlight thedisplay. Note that selecting the check box does not select thecamera.2 Click [Password setting]● The [Password setting] screen appears.Item DescriptionA Sourceevent-neme:Select from the list the event to copy settingsfrom.B Copy Click the [Copy] button to copy the settings.After copy is complete, press the [Renew]button on the [Event Audio Setting] screen toenable the copied settings.C Cancel Closes the [Setting copy] screen withoutexecuting copy.ABCItem DescriptionA CameranameThe name of the camera for entering thepassword appears. You cannot alter the[Camera name].B IPaddress The IP address of the camera for entering thepassword appears. You cannot alter the[IPaddress].C Password For entering the camera password. Thedefault password appears during the firstentry.Memo :● There is no default password for camerasmanufactured by AXIS. When using AXIScameras, you need to specify a camerapassword in advance. For details, refer tothe [Instruction Manual] of the camera.D OK Authenticates the entered password. Ifauthentication is successful, the setting issaved and the [Password setting] screencloses automatically.If the password entered is incorrect, or ifaccess to the camera fails such as when thecamera is not connected to the network, anerror message appears and the passwordsetting will not be saved.E Cancel Cancels password authentication on thecamera. Closes the [Password setting]screen without saving the password setting.DEABC