64 EN NAVIGATION ON HDD/DVD DECKScan For Beginning Of TitleYou can scan the beginning of the title easily with the LibraryDatabase Navigation.1 Press NAVIGATION. The Library Database Navigation screenappears.2 Press rt w e to select “ORIGINAL”, then press ENTER.3 Press rt w e to select theindex (small pictures) of thedesired title, then press ENTER.● When you want the plural titles tobe played back continuously,press MEMO after selecting thedesired title. The numbers of theplayback order appear on theindex. You can select up to 8 titles.● When you want to correct theorder, move the arrow to the desired index and press MEMO. Thenumber disappears and the unit re-numbers the other programsautomatically.● When you want to cancel the order, press CANCEL (&).4 Press w e to select“BEGINNING”, then press ENTER.● To resume playback from the pointwhere playback was previouslystopped, press w e to select“RESUME”, then press ENTER.● To repeat playback of a selectedtitle, press w e to select“REPEAT”, then press ENTER.5 Press 9 to pause playback.● To resume normal playback, press 4.6 Press 8 to stop playback.Modify Index1 Press EDIT. The Editing screen appears.2 (DVD deck only) Press rt w e to select “MODIFY” under“ORIGINAL/PLAY LIST”, then press ENTER.3 Press rt w e to select “MODIFY” under “ORIGINAL”, thenpress ENTER.4 Press rt w e to select one title you want to modify, then pressENTER.5 Press w e to select “INDEX”.6 Search for the picture from thetitle by pressing the appropriatebuttons (3, 4, 5, or 9). Thepictures of the title appear on theleft window.7 Confirm the arrow is on“REPLACE”, then press ENTERto register new index. New indexappears on the right window.● When you press ENTER with the arrow on “RETURN” you can returnto the previous screen.8 Press EDIT to return to the normal screen.Modify Title Name1 Perform steps 1 – 4 of “Modify Index” ( pg. 64) beforecontinuing.2 Press rt w e to select “NAME”, then press ENTER.3 Press rt w e to select thedesired letter or command, thenpress ENTER. Repeat thisprocess to complete the name.● To correct a letter, press rt w eto select “DELETE”, then pressENTER.● You can enter the letters up to 64.4 Press rt w e to select“SAVE”, then press ENTER.5 Press EDIT to return to the normal screen.● Turn on the TV and select the video channel (or AV mode).● Slide the TV/CABLE/DBS/DVD switch to DVD.● Press HDD or DVD to choose the corresponding deck.● Load a DVD disc to scan.rtwe94MEMONAVIGATIONENTER8CANCELDVDHDDCABLE/DBSDVDTVNAVIGATION > ORIGINAL12/26/02 THU 10:00AM - 10:15AMFROG WORLD0026 143 MIN[FISH WORLD ][HOBBY] EP3TVENTERSELECTEXITNAVIGATIONPRESS [NAVIGATION]TO EXITSELECT WITH [ ]THEN PRESS [ENTER]SNAVIGATION > ORIGINAL12/26/02 THU10:00AM - 10:15AMFROG WORLDTV[HOBBY]SP3PRESS [NAVIGATION]TO EXITSELECT WITH [ ]THEN PRESS [ENTER]BEGINNINGSELECT HOW TO PLAY BACKRESUME REPEATSENTERSELECTEXITNAVIGATIONModify Original Information● Turn on the TV and select the video channel (or AV mode).● Slide the TV/CABLE/DBS/DVD switch to DVD.● Press HDD or DVD to choose the corresponding deck.● Load a DVD disc to modify.ATTENTION:● It is not possible to modify discs recorded on DVD units from othermanufacturers.● You cannot perform timer recording during editing the index bypressing EDIT. Press EDIT to clear the editing screen beforeperforming timer recording.EDITING > MODIFY INDEX12/26/02 THU 10:00AM - 10:15AMFROG WORLD [OTHERS] SP3TV SRETURNREPLACE0 : 01 : 03PROG. 1SELECT IMAGE TO REPLACE WITH ON REMOTEINDEXABCABBBC EDITING > MODIFY NAME12/26/02 THU 10:00AM - 10:15AMFROG WORLDF R O G W O R L D0026 64 MIN[FISH WORLD ][HOBBY] XP3TVENTERSELECTEXITEDITPRESS [EDIT]TO EXITSELECT WITH [ ]THEN PRESS [ENTER]SCANCEL DELETE SAVEA B C D E F a b c d e f 1 2 3G H I J K L g h i j k l 4 5 6M N O P Q R m n o p q r 7 8 9S T U V W X s t u v w x 0 + -Y Z y z * / =! " # $ % & ; < > ? @ [ | } ~' ( ) , . : \ ] ^ _ ` {