SW-2000M-CL-65307.2.4LINE IT-integration timeThis command is used to control the integration time (effective exposure time) for each line.The timing can be specified either as an absolute time in microseconds, or as percentage of theline period. The integration time given as percentage of the line interval is recalculatedautomatically when the line rate changes. The integration time set in absolute units remainsconstant, unless the line rate setting forces the camera to shorten it.CommandDescriptionLINE IT ?Returns the command syntax.LINE ITReturns the present Line Integration setting.LINE IT Sets the integration time to numerical value between 2.00 – 99998.50 with 0, 1 or 2 decimal places.LINE IT %Sets the integration time to per cent of the line interval, where is a numerical value between 0.10 % to 100.00 % (default) with0, 1 or 2 decimal places.7.2.5GAIN- signal gainThe gain control can be used to scale the camera response up or down. In addition to the gaincontrol the Sensor responsivity can be selected to be Dynamic or Responsive giving a factor of 6in responsivity due to the difference in quantum well size.Please note that it is not practical to repeatedly swap the well. Instead, it is better to select itfirst and then use only the GAIN command as far as possible.CommandDescriptionGAIN?Returns the command syntax.GAINReturns the present Gain setting.GAIN Sets the Gain to <value>, where is anynumber between 0.1and 32with up to three decimals. The default setting is 1.0007.2.6OFFSET- output offsetThe value given by this command is directly added to or subtracted from all the pixel valuesprior to applying the GAIN.CommandDescriptionOFFSET?Returns the command syntax.OFFSETReturns the present Offset setting.OFFSET <offset>Changes the signal level prior to the GAIN stage.Offset is always given as a 12-bit number. Offset changes in any 10bit scale need to be multiplied by a factor of 4 to get the correctvalueforthiscommand.Respectively,8bitoffsetsmustbemultiplied by 16. Default value is zero. is a positive or negative integer within a range of -1023 to 1023. This equals ± 25 % of