SW-2000M-CL-65297.2.3.3 Mixed mode exposure control (command: LINE CTRL MIX)The line period is now the time between two consecutive rising edges of the CC1 input signal atthe Camera Link connector.The integration time is controlled internally by the command LINE IT. The syntax for LINE ITgives the ability to set the integration time in microseconds or in percentage of maximumpossible integration time.This mode is useful in situations, where the integration time needs to stay constant regardlessof variations in the line frequency. Each scan would then be triggered from some externalsource, while the actual integration time of light would be programmed in advance as anabsolute value. It is of course important to keep the integration time shorter than the lineperiod. If the line period is shorter than the commanded integration time then the integrationtime will be limited by the line period. The use of percentage values for LINE IT commandavoids this, but then the integration time also varies according to the line trigger input (CC1)frequency.The integration time is from A to B as set by user by the LINE IT command in advance. If theintegration time is longer than the Line interval, the line interval is used as the integrationtime.CC1Line intervalAIntegration timeBCommand Line period control Integration time Related commandsLINE CTRL INT internal internal LINE RATE or LINE PERIOD,and LINE ITLINE CTRL EXT external external noneLINE CTRL MIX external internal LINE IT