CAUTION: Always select themaximum cutting height the first weeksafter installation and then lower theheight one step at a time every secondweek until the desired cutting heighthas been reached.A defective splicing of the loop wire can also leadto disruptions several weeks after the splice wasdone. A faulty splice can, for example, be theresult of the original coupler not being pressedtogether hard enough with a pair of pliers, or thata coupler of lower quality than the originalcoupler has been used.Note: Please first check all known splices beforefurther troubleshooting is done.A wire break can be located by gradually halvingthe distance of the loop where the break mayhave occurred until there is only a very shortsection of the wire left.The following method does not work ifECOmode is activated. Make sure first thatECOmode is turned off. Refer toECO mode on page31.1. Check that the indicator lamp in the chargingstation flashes blue, which indicates a breakin the boundary loop. Refer toLED indicatorlamp on the charging station on page 48.2. Check that the boundary wire connections tothe charging station are properly connectedand not damaged. Check that the indicatorlamp in the charging station is still flashingblue.ARALG1POWER3. Switch the connections between the guidewire and the boundary wire in the chargingstation.Start by switching connection AL and G1.Some models have additional guide wires(G2, G3). The same procedure can befollowed for them.If the indicator lamp is lit with a solid greenlight, then the break is somewhere on theboundary wire between AL and the pointwhere the guide wire is connected to theboundary wire (thick black line in theillustration).To rectify the fault you will need boundarywire, connector(s) and coupler(s):a) If the suspected boundary wire is shortthen it is easiest to exchange all of theboundary wire between AL and the pointwhere the guide wire is connected to theboundary wire (thick black line).b) If the suspected boundary wire is long(thick black line) then do as follows: Put ALand G1 back to their original positions. Thendisconnect AR. Connect a new loop wire toAR. Connect the other end of this new loopwire at the middle of the suspected wiresection.If the indicator lamp now is green, then thebreak is somewhere in the wire between thedisconnected end to the point where thenew wire is connected (thick black linebelow). In that case, move the connectionfor the new wire closer to the disconnectedend (roughly at the middle of the suspectedwire section) and check again if the indicatorlamp is green.Continue until only a very short section ofthe wire remains which is the differencebetween a solid green light and a flashingblue light. Then follow instruction in step 5below.4. If indicator lamp still flashes blue in step 3above: Put AL and G1 back in their originalpositions. Then switch AR and G1. Ifindicator lamp now is lit with a solid greenlight then disconnect AL and connect a newboundary wire to AL. Connect the other endof this new wire at the middle of thesuspected wire section. Follow the sameapproach as in 3a) and 3b) above.52 - Troubleshooting 1201 - 001 - 05.06.2019