Husqvarna 967187001 Workshop Manual
English – 13613.23 MiscellaneousThis test checks that the battery charge couplingsignal to CCU is correctly connected and isfunctioning.13.24 Charger StatusWhen the battery charger is connected to themachine and the machine is activated, or if themachine is activated while the battery charger isconnected, it should be detected by CCU.CCU receives a +5 V signal via connector A:4green lead if the charger is connected and themachine activated. An orange lead with +5 V runsfrom the connector in the machine for connectinga battery charger to pin 3 and from pin 4, a greenlead runs to CCU connector A:4. In the connectormounted on the battery charger is a strap betweenreceptacles 3 and 4. When the connector iscoupled to the machine, pins 3 and 4 are coupledtogether with this strap.This means that when the battery chargerconnector is coupled to the machine connector,CCU will see this +5 V on its input connector A:4.When this is tested with CST, a battery chargeris connected to the machine and then it shouldsay: "Connected" after the text: "Charger status"when the machine is activated and if the chargeris disconnected, it should say "Disconnected"(connected = +5 V signal to CCU).Manual CST testsIf this does not work, a voltage reading must betaken with a multimeter set to measure volt onpin 3 in the machine's connector for couplinga battery charger and the machine should beactivated. +5 V should then be seen on pin 4 inthe A connector in CCU. It is then possible to testby connecting a short lead between pin 3 andpin 4 is the connector and meanwhile see in thetest if an indication is obtained that the chargeris connected. If this works OK, the fault must besought in the connector mounted on the batterycharger cable. There should be a strap betweenreceptacles 3 and 4 inside it. If, during the testabove, it is not possible to detect a +5 V voltage inthe connector in the machine, the connector mustbe opened to see if the orange cable is connectedand if so, the orange lead must be inspected tosee if there is a break. If +5 V OK but there is nosignal to CCU when strapping pins 3 and 4, checkthe green lead running to connector A:4. Thegreen lead runs directly from the battery chargeconnector to CCU connector A:4.Charging connector mounted in the machine |
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