Husqvarna 967187001 Workshop Manual
English – 12312.12 Drive Motor ErrorIf this symbol is green, it indicates that it is OK. If itis red, the drive motor is sending out a fault signal.This fault signal goes to the CCU unit, which thenlights the red triangle on the control panel. Thewarning signal can be have a number of reasons,see below.1. Battery voltage outside motor working range,below 20 V in batteries when loaded.Check battery acid level, top up with battery waterif the level is low, then charge the battery. If theacid level is lower than the battery's lead plates fora long period, the battery has probably been dam-aged and must be changed.2. Key switch not closed. If the key switch is turnedOFF while running the machine will stop. This faultindication from the drive motor will not be clear asthe machine still stops.3. The unit is deactivated. The drive motor isactivated by the key switch and a power relay. Asthe key switch activates the whole machine, checkthe thin red lead to the motor that runs from theswitching power relay coil. Check that the single-action power relay is energized when the activationbutton (I) is depressed.4. Overcurrent limit passed/activated. The motorshould function again if the cause of the drive mo-tor overcurrent is rectified.5. Drive motor is overheating. The motor shouldfunction again when the drive motor has cooleddown.If the symbol is red and the drive motor is not inworking order, the drive motor must be changed ifother causes above can be eliminated.12.13 Cutting Motor SignalsCutting motor signalsCutting deck statusLift switchCutting motor 2 signal 1Cutting motor 2 signal 2Cutting motor 2 signal 2Cutting motor 2 signal 2Not lockedUpLow signalLow signalLow signalLow signalThe cutting deck is operated in this test and thenif there are any fault messages, they can be seenin CST. There are four such signals. The are twocutting motor controls for this machine, the first(version 1) comprises two electronic units , one foreach motor and the second (version 2) comprisesone electronic unit. Different results can be ob-tained from this test depending on which electronicunit is controlling the motors. Troubleshootingversion 1 is described below. Both types of controlhave two signals for each motor that the controlscan signal to, version 1 of the motor controlssends two fault messages. Version 2 of the enginecontrols sends one fault message per motor plus asignal to activate savE mode.12.14 Cutting Deck StatusThis signal shows whether the cutting deck ismounted. If CCU does not receive the signal thatthe cutting deck is in place, it will not be possible toactivate the cutting deck.Cuttingdeck safety switchThe microswitch is supplied with +5 V orange leadand sends a signal to CCU via the brown lead.The brown lead goes from the microswitch to CCUconnector D:8. When the cutting deck is mountedcorrectly, this switch is activated and sends a +5 Vsignal to CCU. When trouble shooting, the micro-switch must be checked and that it couples forward+5 V when affected. Measure with a multimeterfirst that the connection to the microswitch withorange lead has +5 V in relation to the GND pole.When the microswitch is activated, this +5 V issent to CCU connector D:8. If the power supplyof the switch looks good, take a reading on thepin into CCU so that +5 V is also present there. Ifthere is +5 V on the brown lead at the microswitchbut not on the brown lead at CCU, there must bea break in the lead between the microswitch andCCU.CST-drive mode logging |
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