Galaxy 8/18/60/128/500/504/512 User Guide9VIBRATION ZONES (504 & 512 only)If the omitted zone is a vibration zone, then all zones of this type (inall groups) will be block omitted. The vibration zones remainomitted until manually reinstated. Unsetting the system does notreinstate vibration detectors.ATM 1/2/3/4 ZONES (512 only)ATM zones are omitted by entering one of the ten ATM codes (user188 to user 197). To select this option enter an ATM code followed bythe ent key. Use the A> key to scroll through the four ATM zoneoptions (ATM1 to ATM4) and select by pressing the ent key. Apredetermined ATM delay time will expire before omitting all ATMzones with the selected ATM zone type. The zones will be omitted forthe duration of the ATM time-out period and the remaining time inminutes will be displayed on the initiating keypad. A warning is giventen and five minutes before the zones are reinstated. The ATM Time-out period can be extended by entering an ATM code and selecting1=Reset Access. To manually reinstate ATM zones, enter an ATMcode and select 2=Abort Access.FORCED SET (User Level 3 and above)PURPOSEWhen enabled, the FORCED SET option allows the user toautomatically omit zones, eligible for omission, which are open whenthe system setting routine is started. Zones omitted in this way remainomitted for one set period only. This option is not available on theGalaxy 512.SELECTING FORCED SETAccess the QUICK MENU. Press key 1 followed by the ent key. Thedisplay indicates how many zones have been omitted and the number2 Zones Open[<] [>] to View3 OMITTED 120ent1 = FORCED SET[ent] to select0 = OMIT ZONES[ent] to selectPIN + ent11=RESET ACCESS2=ABORT ACCESSATM PIN + entACCESS TIMEOUTATM-2 10 mins[ent] to Select1=ATM-1ATM PIN + ent[ent] to Select2=ATM-2>AentDELAY ACCESSATM-2 12 mins1