User Guide Galaxy 8/18/60/128/500/504/5128OMIT ZONES (User Level 3 and above)PURPOSEThis option allows the user to omit zones before setting the system.Zones must be eligible for omission otherwise they will not be displayed.Note: Zones remain omitted for one set period only.SELECTING OMIT ZONESEnter the QUICK MENU. The 0=OMIT ZONES option is displayed.Press the ent key to select this option.VIEWING ELIGIBLE ZONESWhen the OMIT ZONES option is selected the first zone eligible foromission is displayed. The eligible zones can be viewed by pressingthe A> or keys. The zones eligible for omission can be rapidlyviewed by holding down either of these keys.OMITTING ZONESOnce the zone to be omitted is shown on the display, press the # key.The display indicates that the zone is omitted. A> and keys canthen be used to select other zones to be omitted using the same method.Note: A zone is omitted from the system as soon as the # key ispressed. The system does not have to be set.SETTING WITH OMITTED ZONESWhen the list of omitted zones is complete the setting routine is startedby pressing the ent key. The system starts to set and the display indicateshow many zones have been omitted. Alternatively the esc key can beused to return to the menu options. Zones that have been omitted remainomitted even after using the esc† key.Note: All zones omitted are recorded in the log against the user.GALAXY 512The Galaxy 512 will only allow a single eligible zone to be omittedfrom the system. Once a zone has been omitted, it is not possible toview other zones with the omit attribute enabled, until the omittedzone is re-instated (either automatically or manually).ZONES OMITTED14:35 TUE 17 DEC1 OMITTED 120ent#ent1004 SECURITYOMITTED ENT=SET0 = OMIT ZONES[ent] to selectPIN + ent1003 INTRUDER#=OMIT ENT=SETent1004 SECURITY#=OMIT ENT=SET>A