User Guide Galaxy 8/18/60/128/500/504/51214The TIME/DATE option allows the user to modify both the time (hours/minutes) and the date (day/month/year).SELECTING TIME/DATEEnter the QUICK MENU. Press key 7 followed by the ent key. Oncethe TIME/DATE option has been selected, the time or date can beselected by pressing the A> or key.CHANGING TIMETo change the time press the A> key. The display prompts for a NEWTIME in hours and minutes (HH:MM). When the new time is entered,the display immediately returns to the time or date selection screen.The system does not accept invalid times (greater than 23 hours, greaterthan 59 minutes). Pressing the esc key aborts the entry.CHANGING DATETo change the date press the < B The display prompts for a NEWDATE in days, months and years (DD/MM/YY). When the new dateis entered, the display momentarily shows the day of the week, beforereturning to the time or date selection screen. The system does notaccept invalid dates (e.g. 32/13/99). Pressing the esc key aborts theentry.ADVANCE AND RETARDIt is possible to advance and retard the time to compensate for anyvariations in clock speed. Press the # key when in the time/date modeto select the clock speed adjustment. The range is 0 to 120 seconds perweek. Pressing the * key will retard the time.TIME/DATE (User Level 6)PURPOSE15:25 14/12/1999A=TIME B=DateAdjustment/weekÖ010 (0-120) secs#(press the Ö key toretard time)0 = OMIT ZONES[ent] to Select77 = TIME/DATE[ent] to SelectPIN + entent15:25 14/12/1999A=TIME B=DATENEW TIME--:-- HH:MMenter timeenter dateNEW DATE--/--/-- DD/MM/YYA>