– 1 –SYSTEM OVERVIEWThis manual is a step-by-step guide that will acquaint you with the system's features andbenefits. It defines the components and their functions, describes their operation, andinstructs you with normal and emergency procedures.Keep this manual in a convenient place so that you can refer to it as necessary.GeneralYour Honeywell system is a commercial fire alarm control/communicator. It monitors, on anaround-the clock basis, the various fire alarm warning, emergency alarm warning and firesprinkler system supervisory sensors that have been installed in your system. When thecontrol detects an alarm, supervisory, or trouble condition, it automatically triggers an on-premises warning indication and transmits a message to a central station over the telephoneline so that appropriate action can be taken.The control features a built-in warning buzzer and LED indicators which provide the on-premises warning indication. In addition, your system may include an optional remotekeypad and/or external alarm warning sounders which will provide additional on-premiseswarning indications. Please disregard references to these devices, if they were not installedin your system.This manual is designed to help you become comfortable operating your system. Eachfunction is explained in step-by-step detail. We recommend you read the SYSTEMOVERVIEW section to become familiar with the terminology and the basic features of thesystem.ZonesYour system has five protection zones. Your installer has assigned each of your system'ssensing devices to one of these zones. For example, warehouse smoke detectors may havebeen assigned to zone 01, a fire sprinkler water valve supervisory switch may have beenassigned to zone 02, etc. If a remote keypad was installed in your system, it will displaythese zone numbers when an alarm, supervisory or trouble condition is detected, so that thenature and location of the fault can be pinpointed.Fire & Emergency ProtectionThe fire and emergency protection portions of your system are always on and will sound analarm if an alarm condition is detected.AlarmsWhen an alarm occurs, the control's buzzer, the keypad and external sounders will sound,and a message at the keypad will identify the zone(s) causing the alarm. In addition, analarm message will be sent to the connected central monitoring station. You may stop thesound by pressing the SILENCE/RESET button at the control, or by entering your User Code+ [OFF] key at your keypad.