– 9 –The keypad's LCD will display the number of the zone having the supervisory condition asa Memory indication.To reset the keypad supervisory display: First have the cause of the indicationcorrected, and then:Press the SILENCE/RESET button again or re-enter your User Code,followed by the OFF key.TROUBLE CONDITIONSGeneralYour system monitors each of your protection zones and various aspects of system operationfor problems such as wire breaks, loss of AC power, faulted telephone lines, etc., whichcompromise proper alarm signaling operation. Your system provides the followingindications when one of these problems is detected.CALL YOUR INSTALLER IMMEDIATELY FOR SERVICE, WHEN ANY OF THESEINDICATIONS APPEAR FOR A CONDITION THAT CANNOT BE CORRECTED BY YOU!• The control's buzzer and keypad buzzer both produce a rapid pulsing sound.• The controls AC POWER LED turns off and the keypad LCD displays "AC LOSS"(Alpha) or "NO AC" (Fixed-Word) when AC power is low or not present.• The control's BATTERY TROUBLE LED lights and the keypad LCD displays"SYSTEM LO BAT" (Alpha) or "BAT" (Fixed-Word) when your system's back-upbattery is low or disconnected.• The controls COMM FAIL LED lights and the keypad LCD displays "COMMFAILURE" (Alpha) or "FC" (Fixed-Word) when attempts to send a message to thecentral station have failed.• The keypad LCD (Fixed-Word) displays "CHECK" accompanied by a protection zonenumber (1–5) or system zone number (6–12) when there is a zone or system relatedproblem. Alpha keypads also display a description of the zone. The control's LINEFAULT LED lights if the problem is with the telephone lines.ALPHA FIXED-WORD• A trouble message is sent to the central station.Note: If your keypad LCD displays "0C" for more than 5 minutes, then it is notreceiving signals from the control. CALL YOUR INSTALLER IMMEDIATELY FORSERVICE.