Configuring A/V Services Using SNMPSNMP Agent ComponentsMakito X User’s Guide, v2.0, Issue 01 235SNMP Community NamesFollowing are the default SNMP community names and their privileges for accessing theMakito X MIBs.nmcfgnmcfg is the configuration script that helps the configuration of the SNMP agent. It isparticularly useful for the creation and management of SNMPv3 users of the User-basedSecurity Model (USM) and the assignment of VACM (View-based Access Control Model)access rights to communities and users. The script interacts with the /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf persistent data file, which maintains the USM user database and otherSNMP agent persistent information. The script also performs snmpget commands todisplay the list of USM users, which is not available in a human readable form in anyconfiguration file.The script also reads and modifies the snmpd.conf configuration file to manage systemparameters (contact, location), community-based (v1/v2c) security, and user accesscontrol. Used without parameters, it displays a summary of the SNMP agent configuration:system parameters, access control, and SNMPv3 USM users.SNMP Community Name Access Rightsadmin Read and write permission from local network andlocal hostpublic Read-only permission from local network