63Task Command RemarksDisplay key parameters of thetransceiver module in a specifiedinterface.display transceiver interface[ interface-type interface-number ]Available for all transceivermodulesDisplaying the alarming information or fault detection parameters for a transceiver moduleThe system outputs alarm information for you to locate and troubleshoot faults of transceivermodules. For the H3C-customized transceiver modules, the system can also monitor the keyparameters, such as temperature, voltage, laser bias current, TX power, and RX power. When theseparameters are abnormal, you can take corresponding measures to prevent transceiver modulefaults.Perform the following operation to display the alarming information or fault detection parameters of atransceiver module:Task Command RemarksDisplay the current alarminformation of the transceivermodule in a specified interface.display transceiver alarminterface [ interface-typeinterface-number ]Available for all transceivermodulesNOTE:For more information about the transceiver module displaying commands, see H3CSR6600/SR6600-X Routers Command References.Active and standby MPU switchoverCAUTION:• Do not execute any command on the standby MPU.• To avoid system failure, do not use the H3C SR6602-specific software to upgrade the H3CSR6616 routers.A router can be configured with two MPUs of the same model, one acting as the active MPU and theother as the standby MPU. When RPE-X1 MPUs are used, the MPU in slot 5 is the active MPU bydefault. When RSE-X1 MPUs are used, the MPU in slot 1 is the active MPU by default. The standbyMPU uses the synchronization function to keep its configuration consistent with the currentconfiguration of the active MPU. When the active MPU fails, the standby MPU immediately takesover using the same configuration as the previous active MPU, and guarantees that the routeroperates correctly. The process is called an active and standby switchover.An active and standby switchover is triggered in the following conditions:• The active MPU fails.• The active MPU is unplugged.• Remotely performing an active and standby switchover through SNMP.• Manually executing the command for active and standby switchover.Active/standby switchover is implemented in the following workflow:1. The standby MPU automatically connects to and controls the system bus, and at the same time,the former active MPU disconnects from the system bus.2. The standby MPU becomes an active MPU, and the former active MPU automatically rebootsand becomes a standby MPU.