H3C SR6608/6604 Routers Installation Manual Chapter 1 Router Overview1-38(1) Captive screw (2) Power input terminals(3) Power switch (4) Power LED(5) Power module handleFigure 1-22 DC power module1.4.4 Port Lightning Arrester (Optional)Before connecting an outdoor Ethernet cable to an Ethernet port, you can install a portlightning arrester to protect the router against lightning strokes. The following portlightning arrester can be installed on the device. The specifications for the port lightningarrester are as follows:Port protective unit–single port, maximum discharge current (8/20μs waveform): 5 kA,output voltage (10/700μs waveform): core-core < 40 V, core-ground < 600 V.Note:For the installation of the port lightning arrester, refer to section 5.6 “Installing a PortLightning Arrester (Optional)” in Chapter 5 “Installing the Router”.1.4.5 Power Lightning Arrester (Optional)Before connecting an outdoor AC power to the router, you need to install a lightningprotection busbar at the AC power input end and then connect the AC power cord to alightning protection busbar to protect the router against lightning strokes. In a heavylightning area, you are recommended to install a power lightning arrester.The following power lightning arrester can be installed on the device. The specificationsfor the power lightning arrester are as follows:Maximum discharge current: 6500 A, protection voltage: 500 VAC to 220 VAC.