Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide190-01194-00 Rev. A 75Flight Planning Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices IndexApproach SelectionSELECTING AN APPROACHWhen selecting an approach, it replaces the destination airport with the sequenceof waypoints for the selected approach. Keep in mind that the airport must have apublished approach (GPS, RNAV, VOR, NDB, localizer, or ILS) and only the final coursesegment (final approach fix to missed approach point) of the published approach isavailable in the aera 795/796. If the airport does not have a published approach, the'Select Approach' menu option is not available.An approach can be selected using the Direct-to, Active Flight Plan, and the SavedFlight Plan functions.Selecting an approach from the active or saved flight plan:1) From the Main Menu, touch the Active FPL Icon.Or:a) From the Main Menu, touch the FPL List Icon.b) Touch the desired Saved Flight Plan from the list. An option menuappears.c) Touch the 'Review Flight Plan' menu option.