Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide190-01194-00 Rev. AAppendix D149Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices IndexADVAnceD nMeA output SetupIf interfacing the aera 795/796 with another piece of equipment (such as anautopilot), the unit needs to be set to output NMEA data. If the NMEA output mode isset to ‘Fast’, the unit will output a minimum number of NMEA sentences at 1-secondintervals. If the NMEA output is set to ‘Normal’, the unit will output a greater numberNMEA sentences at 2-second intervals.Setting NMEA output mode:1) From the Main Menu, touch Tools > Setup > Interface.2) Touch the 'Serial Data Format' datafield. A vertical list is displayed.3) Touch 'NMEA Out'.4) Touch the 'NMEA Output Mode' Normal/Fast toggle button.NMEA Sentence Output:• Normal Mode: GPRMB, GPRMC, GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPGLL, GPBWC,GPVTG, GPXTE, GPBOD, GPRTE, GPWPL, GPAPB, PGRME, PGRMZ, PGRMM,and PGRMH.• Fast Mode: GPRMB, GPRMC, PGRMZ, and PGRMH.USING AN EXTERNAL GPS ANTENNA (OPTIONAL)The optional GA27C or GA25 external antenna can be used. Connect the antennato the connector located on the left side of the unit.