46 Rino 600 Series Owner’s ManualAppendixTips for Pairing aNT+ accessorieswith Your Garmin Device• Verify that the ANT+ accessoryis compatible with your Garmindevice.• Before you pair the ANT+accessory with your Garmin device,move 10 m away from other ANT+accessories.• Bring the Garmin device withinrange (3 m) of the ANT+ accessory.• After you pair the first time, yourGarmin device automaticallyrecognizes the ANT+ accessoryeach time it is activated. Thisprocess occurs automatically whenyou turn on the Garmin device andonly takes a few seconds whenthe accessories are activated andfunctioning correctly.• When paired, your Garmin deviceonly receives data from youraccessory, and you can go nearother accessories.Data Field OptionsData Field DescriptionAccuracy ofGPSThe margin oferror for your exactlocation For example,your GPS location isaccurate to within +/-12 feet (36 m)AmbientPressureThe uncalibratedenvironmentalpressureAscent -AverageThe average verticaldistance of ascentAscent -MaximumThe maximum ascentrate in feet/meters perminuteAscent - Total The total elevationdistance ascended