32 Rino 600 Series Owner’s ManualCustomizing Your DevicePosition Format Settingsnote: Do not change the positionformat or the map datum coordinatesystem unless you are using a map orchart that specifies a different positionformat.Select Setup > Position Format.• Position Format—sets the positionformat in which a given locationreading appears.• Map Datum—sets the coordinatesystem on which the map isstructured.• Map Spheroid—shows thecoordinate system the device isusing. The default coordinatesystem is WGS 84.Heading SettingsYou can customize the compasssettings.Select Setup > Heading.• Display—sets the type ofdirectional heading on the compass.• north Reference—sets the northreference of the compass.• Go to Line/Pointer—allows youto select how the course appears.◦ Bearing (Small or Large)—thedirection to your destination.◦ Course (CDI)—yourrelationship to a course lineleading to a destination.• Compass—switches from anelectronic compass to a GPScompass when you are travelingat a higher rate of speed for a setperiod of time (Auto), or turns thecompass off.