Rino 600 Series Owner’s Manual 29Customizing Your Deviceoff after a period of inactivity toprolong the battery life.Display SettingsSelect Setup > Display.• Backlight timeout—adjusts thelength of time before the backlightturns off.note: To adjust the backlightbrightness, see page 7.• Background Color—sets the colorused on the device screen.• Screen Capture—allows you totake screen captures on the device.• Mode—sets a light background(Day), a dark background (night),or automatically switches betweenthe two based on the sunrise timeand the sunset time for your currentlocation (Auto).• Screen Calibration—page 29.Calibrating the TouchscreenThe screen does not normally requirecalibration. However, if the screen doesnot seem to be responding properly,calibrate the touchscreen.1. Select Setup > Display > ScreenCalibration.2. Follow the on-screen instructions.Setting the Device TonesYou can customize tones for messages,keys, turn warnings, and alarms.1. Select Setup > tones.2. Select a tone for each audible type.Map SettingsSelect Setup > Map.• orientation—adjusts how the mapis shown on the page.◦ north Up—shows north at thetop of the page.