18 Rino 600 Series Owner’s ManualNavigationNavigationNavigating to aDestinationYou can use the Where To? menu tofind a destination to navigate to. Not allWhere To? categories are available inall areas and maps.1. Select Where to?.2. Select an item.3. Select Go.4. Navigate using the map (page 19)or compass (page 19).Searching Near a LocationYou can use the search feature to findPOIs near a point on the map, yourcurrent location, or a waypoint. Thismay require additional maps, seepage 45.1. Select Where to? > .2. Select an item you want to searchnear.3. Select Use.4. Navigate using the map (page 19)or compass (page 19).Starting a TracBack ®You can navigate back to the beginningof a track. This can be helpful whenfinding your way back to camp or thetrail head.1. Select track Manager > Currenttrack > View Map.2. Select tracback.The map page opens with yourroute marked with a magenta line.3. Navigate using the map (page 19)or compass (page 19).