GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s Manual 87M AIN MENU >Games MenuThe Games Menu contains six games (Memory Race,Virtua Maze, GekoSmak, Nibbons, Gekoids, andBeast Hunt) for entertainment. Some games use GPSas a virtual component during play.Games MenuTo select and play a game:1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.2. Select the Games icon, and press ENTER.3. Use the ROCKER to highlight a game, andpress ENTER. A brief description of eachgame appears.4. Press the QUIT key, and highlight Yes, whenprompted, to stop playing.WARNING: When playing any of the virtualgames (where you are moving on a realplaying field), use caution in selecting an areafree of hazards, such as holes, obstructions,or proximity to vehicular traffic. Playingthese games may distract your attention fromobserving objects in your path.Memory RaceThis is a GPS virtual gamewhere the playing piece moveswhere you move. To win theMemory Race, rememberwhich square has which symboland then clear the board bymatching pairs of symbol setstogether. Travel to each square,highlight Open at the bottom ofthe screen, and press ENTER toview the symbol.