GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s Manual 15BASIC OPERATION >Proximity WaypointsUse the Proximity Waypoints Page to define an alarmcircle around a stored waypoint location.Proximityicon Empty lineProximityAlarmscheck boxRadiusfieldTo add a proximity waypoint1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.2. Highlight the Proximity icon, and pressENTER to open the Proximity WaypointsPage.3. Highlight an empty line, and press ENTER toopen the Find Menu.4. Select a waypoint from the Waypoints List orfrom any other group of map points, and pressENTER to open the information page for theitem.5. With the Use button highlighted, press ENTERto add the point to the list on the ProximityWaypoints Page.6. Use the ROCKER to highlight the Radius fieldif you want to enter a value different than thedefault of 1 mile.To turn proximity alarms on or off:1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.2. Highlight the Proximity icon and press ENTERto open the Proximity Waypoints Page.3. Highlight the Proximity Alarms check box,and press ENTER to initiate the alarm feature.When you trigger an alarm, a tone sounds anda “Near Proximity Point” message appears.When you move outside the set radius, a“Leaving Proximity Point” message is shown.