400W Series Installation Manual Page G-3190-00356-02 Rev. GG.4 AutopilotsAutopilots that will be coupled to GPS vertical guidance for GPS approaches must be specifically listedin the table below.Autopilots not listed in Appendix G can still be approved under 400W/500W Series AML STCSA01933LA if all of the following conditions are met:• The installation of the autopilot was previously FAA-approved;• All interfaces between the 400W Series unit and the autopilot are analog;• The installation must use existing navigation signals which interface the autopilot to a standardVHF navigation receiver (i.e. CDI/HSI L/R and Up/Dn)• A successful in-air flight check must be completed prior to returning the aircraft to service.• The AFMS is properly competed, limiting the GPS to lateral coupling only (LNAV)If these conditions are met the interface can be approved under AML STC SA01933LA. These autopilotsare limited to those operations for which they were previously FAA-approved when interfaced with theother TC’d or STC’d navigation units (e.g. if the previous unit was installed and approved for coupledVOR, ILS, LOC, BC and GPS LNAV approaches, this upgraded installation will also be approved forthese operations; however, GPS and RNAV approaches with GPS/WAAS-based vertical guidance(LNAV+V, L/VNAV and LPV modes on the 400W series unit) are not authorized when coupled to theautopilot).NOTEContact Garmin to remove VNAV limitations.Mfr. Model Data Format NotesKAP 100/140/150KFC 150/200/250/275/300/325Analog Deviation,DiscreteIf an EFIS is installed, the 400W isconnected to the EFIS using ARINC 429and the EFIS interfaces to the autopilot.The 400W is not connected directly to theautopilot.Honeywell(Bendix/King)KFC 225Analog Deviation,Discrete,ARINC 429 GPSSI/II/III/IV21/31/412000TridenAnalog Deviation,DiscreteCenturyAK 1081 ARINC 429 GPSS GPSS Roll Steering ConverterSystem Twenty/Thirty/40/5055/60-1/60-2/60 PSS/65Analog Deviation,DiscreteSystem Fifty Five XAnalog Deviation,Discrete,ARINC 429 GPSSS-TECST-901 ARINC 429 GPSS GPSS Roll Steering Converter300B/400B/800B Analog Deviation,Discrete(CA550A/FD computer)Cessna300 IFCS/400 IFCS/800 IFCS Analog Deviation,Discrete400A Nav-o-matic (CA530FD computer)Bendix M4C, M4D Analog Deviation,DiscreteCollins APS 65 ( ) Analog Deviation,Discrete