Page D-4 400W Series Installation ManualRev. G 190-00356-02Table D-2 describes the Type 2 output sentence item designator (id), sequence number (seq), waypointidentifier (wpt), waypoint latitude (lat), waypoint longitude (lon), and magnetic variation at waypoint(mvar) fields.Table D-2. Type 2 Output Sentence FormatField Byte Format7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Descriptionid 12-3ASCII character 'w' (77 hex)Two ASCII numeric characters representing routesequence number of waypoint (01 to 31)seq 1 x l a n n n n n x - undefinedl - 1 if last waypoint in routea - 1 if active to waypointnnnnn - route sequence number of waypoint(unsigned binary)wpt 1-5 Destination waypoint identifier (will be blank filled onright if less than 5 characters in identifier)lat 123s d d d d d d dx x m m m m m mx h h h h h h hs - 0 (north) or 1 (south)ddddddd - latitude degrees (unsigned binary)xx - undefinedmmmmmm - latitude minutes (unsigned binary)x - undefinedhhhhhhh - hundredths of latitude minutes(unsigned binary)lon 1234s x x x x x x xd d d d d d d dx x m m m m m mx h h h h h h hs - 0 (east) or 1 (west)xxxxxxx - undefineddddddddd - longitude degrees (unsigned binary)xx - undefinedmmmmmm - latitude minutes (unsigned binary)x - undefinedhhhhhhh - hundredths of latitude minutes(unsigned binary)mvar 1-2 Two's complement binary in 16ths of degrees.Easterly variation is positive. MSB output first.