Page E-2 400W Series Installation ManualRev. G 190-00356-02E.4 Shadin Fuel Flow SentenceThe Garmin 400W Series units are capable of receiving the following 55-byte message from the ShadinFuel Flow Indicator:K0543.20100.00040.00060.00123.40045.40078.0123Where: start-transmit character (0x02)K units designation (i.e., Gallons, Liters, Kilograms, B[pounds])0543.2 total fuel remaining (i.e., ASCII-coded decimal format: 0x30, 0x35, 0x34, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x32) space (0x20)0100.0 fuel flow rate, total (formatted as for total fuel remaining)0040.0 fuel flow rate, engine one (or asterisks["∗∗∗∗∗∗"], in the case of single engine aircraft)0060.0 fuel flow rate, engine two (asterisks, in the case of single engine aircraft)0123.4 fuel used, total0045.4 fuel used, engine one (asterisks, in the case of single engine aircraft)0078.0 fuel used, engine two (asterisks, in the case of single engine aircraft)123 checksum (of bytes 2 through 51) end-transmit character (0x03)Note: Checksum is calculated by adding each byte in the message (2 through 51), such that carries arediscarded to give a one byte result. The ASCII-coded decimal representation of that byte is given,ranging from 0 (0x30, 0x30, 0x30) to 255 (0x32, 0x35, 0x35).E.5 ARNAV / EI Fuel Flow SentenceThe Garmin 400W Series units are capable of receiving the following 13-byte message from the ARNAVor Electronics International (“EI”) Fuel Flow Indicators:G0245100550Where: start-transmit character (0x02 hex)G units designation (i.e., Gallons, Imperial gallons, Liters, Kilograms, B[pounds])0245 total fuel remaining in reverse order (i.e., ASCII-coded decimal format: 0x30, 0x32, 0x34,0x35)1 fuel remaining checksum (modulo 10 sum of four "total fuel remaining" digits)0055 total fuel flow rate in reverse order0 fuel flow checksum end-transmit character (0x03)NOTE: Fuel remaining and fuel flow are [∗ 10] when units designation is gallons or imperial gallons.For example, 0245 gallons indicates 542 gallons; 0245 liters indicates 5420 liters. Checksum isthe modulo 10 sum of the four fuel flow decimal digits, converted to an ASCII numericalcharacter (e.g., checksum for "5678" would be ASCII "6").