Page 1-16 400W Series Installation ManualRev. E 190-00356-021.6.4 ETSO DeviationsThe GNS 400W Series meets the requirements of the listed ETSOs with the following deviations.ETSO DeviationETSO-2C34f Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-2C34f to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.ETSO-2C36f Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-2C36f to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.ETSO-2C37e Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-2C37e to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.ETSO-2C38e Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-2C38e to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.ETSO-2C40c Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-2C40c to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.ETSO-C113 Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-C113 to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.1. Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-C146 to use RTCA/DO-160C instead of RTCA/DO-160D.2. Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-C146 to use RTCA/DO-229C instead of RTCA/DO-229Bfor minimum operating specifications.3. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C for the requirement to use as a specific “NAV”labeled key. RTCA/DO-229C Table 2-5 lists the function “Access to primary navigation display (Section2.” with a label “NAV”.4. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C not to implement paragraph whichstates “The equipment shall allow the pilot to initiate the missed approach with manual action. It shall bepossible to take this action before crossing the MAWP (Missed Approach Waypoint), in which case theequipment shall automatically initiate the missed approach procedure at the MAWP.”5. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C not to implement paragraph whichstates “If the aircraft is past the FPAP – (length offset), and the pilot has not already activated the missedapproach, the receiver shall automatically transition to missed approach guidance.”6. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C paragraphs and not to use thelow altitude alerting function when the GNS 400W Series unit has TERRAIN enabled and is not in one ofthe following states: FAIL, N/A, TEST, or INHIBIT. When TERRAIN is not enabled, or when it is enabledbut the current state is FAIL, N/A, TEST, or INHIBIT, the low altitude alert described in DO-229C is used.7. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C not to implement paragraph whichstates “BRG to or from a VOR: The bearing is based on the true-to-magnetic conversion at the waypointlocation, using the same magnetic conversion as used to define the path.” Instead, the “user” (current)location will be used.ETSO-C1468. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C paragraph to allow the unit up to 20seconds (instead of 10 seconds) to reacquire a dropped satellite under the conditions described in theparagraph.1.6.5 FCC Grant of Equipment AuthorizationModel FCC IDGNC 420W, GNS 430W IPH-0021400 (VHF COM Transceiver)GNC 420AW, GNS 430AW IPH-0061100 (VHF)