400W Series Installation Manual Page D-1190-00356-02 Rev. EAppendix D 400W SERIES RS-232 AVIATION DATA FORMATD.1 Electrical InterfaceThe output signals are compatible with RS-232C. Data is generated at 9600 baud with a word length of 8bits, one stop bit, and no parity.D.2 General Output FormatThe 400W Series RS-232 data has the following general format:STX - ASCII start-of-text character (02 hex)t1s - Type 1 output sentences (see following paragraphs for description)t2s - One or more type 2 output sentences (see following paragraphs for description)ETX - ASCII end-of-text character (03 hex)D.3 Output Sentence Type 1The Type 1 output sentences have the following general format:id - item designator (single ASCII alphabetic character)dddd - item data (1 to 10 printable ASCII characters)CR - ASCII carriage return character (0D hex)LF - ASCII line feed character (0A hex)*Each Type 1 sentence is output by the 400W Series unit approximately once every second.The track, desired track, and bearing to waypoint angles, and the magnetic variation are output accordingto the current mode of the 400W Series unit (automatic magnetic heading, magnetic variation computedat last known position; true heading, magnetic variation of E00.0°; or user-defined magnetic heading,magnetic variation as entered by user).