79Vectors to FinalLet’s take a second look at the “VOR 22” approach into Billard Municipal. Instead offollowing the DME arc, ATC tells you to expect vectors onto the final approach course.There are several ways to select “vectors to final” with the GNS 430. The first two op-tions below will normally require the least workload to accomplish:• When the approach is first selected, choose “VECTORS” from the transitionswindow.• Load a full approach — including the IAF from the transitions window — asdescribed on page 66. When cleared, press P and select “Activate Vectors-To-Final?”. (See page 67.)• Load the full approach as described on page 66. Use the D key (by pressing ittwice) from the active flight plan page to select the desired leg of the approach.(See page 65.)To select “VECTORS” from the transitions window:1. Select Billard Municipal (KTOP) as your destination, using the D key, or as the last way-point in a flight plan.2. Press the P key and select the “VOR 22” approach using the steps outlined on page 66.3a. From the transitions window, select “VECTORS”.4a. Select “Load?” (or “Activate?”, if already cleared for the approach).To activate vectors-to-final from the procedures page:1. Select Billard Municipal (KTOP) as your destination, using the D key or as the last way-point in a flight plan.2. Press the P key and select the “VOR 22” approach using the steps outlined on page 66.3b. From the transitions window, select “D258G” as the IAF. Also, select “Load?”.4b. When cleared, press the P key and select “Activate Vector-To-Final?”.5PROCEDURESVectors-To-FinalApproach Exampleqbpbpa