193. Return to the Traffic Page by pressing CLR.Traffic Page FieldsThere are two selectable fields on the Traffic Page:the Operating Mode Field and the Barometric PressureField. The Operating Mode Field selects the TCADoperating mode. Please, refer to the TCAD Pilot’sHandbook for a complete description of all modes ofoperation. For the 9900BX model, this field is replacedwith the SKYWATCH style altitude mode.TCAD 9900B Operating Modes:GND: ground modeTML: terminal modeSTD: standard modeENR: en route modeUNR: unrestricted modeThe modes APR (approach) and DEP (depar-ture), are displayed when in that mode, butare not manually selectable.To select the Operating Mode:1. From the Traffic Page, press CRSR to highlightthe operating mode field. Turn the small rightknob to select the desired operating mode andpress ENT.NOTE: The traffic display range is automatically set tothe shield size and cannot be changed (9900B only).The second selectable field, located in the upperright-hand corner of the display, is the BarometricPressure field, which displays the Barometric Pressurein inches of mercury. The Barometric Pressure fieldon the Traffic Page allows you to set the barometricpressure in the Ryan TCAD unit. Please, refer to theTCAD Pilot’s Handbook for a detailed description ofthis feature.The Barometric Pressure field is located inthe upper right-hand corner of the TrafficPage.To change the Barometric Pressure:1. From the Traffic Page, press the cursor tohighlight the Operating Mode field. Turn thelarge right knob to select the BarometricPressure Field. Use the small right knob toselect the desired value and press ENT. Note:When editing the value, use the large rightknob to select the digit to edit.2. Exit the field by pressing the CRSR button.When the TCAD 9900BX model is interfacedthere is an additional annunciation in the lower lefthand corner of the Traffic Page. This indicates whenthe TCAD unit is in approach mode (APR), or if theapproach is armed (APR ARM).Air ShieldPlease, refer to the TCAD Pilot’s Handbook for adetailed description of the Air Shield.Section 4Ryan TCAD Interface